
Showing posts from 2015

Occasionally making phpunit work with PhpStorm and homestead

When using homestead on vagrant I find that I need to use ssh/sftp setup for the server and interpreter for it to get the path mappings correct. Settings I configure "Build, Exection, Deployment" -> "Deployment" Add an entry for the server and set its "Type" to be "SFTP". In the "Connection" tab, set the details according to the information obtained by running "vagrant ssh-config". Set the "Auth type" to "Key pair" and set the "Private key file" to be the location of the IdentityFile from the ssh-config. In the "Mappings" tab, make sure that the deployment path remote server location matches the local path. Set up the PHP interpreter by going to "PHP" and adding a remote Interpreter. Set the remote to be based on the "Deployment configuration", saves you setting up all the SSH information again. In "PHP" -> "PHPUnit" add a "

Making node / npm / gulp / elixir work for Laravel using Homestead on Vagrant with Virtualbox on Windows

Wow what a title. More of a note to myself this one. Problem: npm install or variants thereof cause errors, mainly related to long filenames when run inside a homestead virtualbox virtual machine on Windows. A simple fix is to create a symbolic link inside the vm for the node_modules path so that it doesn't reside inside the folder being shared with the Windows file-system. Modify the Vagrantfile or the scripts/homestead.rb file if using homestead to include the following as part of the config: config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|     v.customize ["setextradata", :id, "VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/v-root", "1"] end Then you'll need to run the Git Bash shell as admin, otherwise it won't let you create the symbolic links. The important part here is actually that winnfsd.exe starts as admin so you could change the compatibility in the properties to start as admin. Start vagrant with a "vagrant up&q

Introducing ASP.NET 5

Good post from Scott Guthrie on ASP.NET 5

New Windows 10 build 9933 coming?

It looks like 9933 might be coming soon... Although it failed to download with an error 0x80246017, it looks as though there is a new build coming in the fast fbl_awsome1501 branch... UPDATE: @bc3tech @AnXboxDude @bdsams Yep, looks like this is on us - we're exposing some build offers that we shouldn't - sorry, only MSFT can get. — Gabriel Aul (@GabeAul) January 28, 2015

Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview Build 9926

I didn't bother to blog about the last couple of Windows 10 Technical Preview builds.  They'd been talked about a lot and hyped or criticised enough. I wanted to take a couple of minutes though to say just how much I'm enjoying using Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. There's nothing wrong with them. Granted, the default user experience for Windows 8 was annoying, but so so easily rectified with something like Classic Shell .  I didn't really understand all the complaints, if your house has a front door that's horrible, but basically really good other than that, excellent central heating, insulation, double glazing, then for goodness sake, just do a little redecoration and get over it! Technically it's all pretty darn good these days and new latest build is edging towards the solution that Microsoft were trying to implement as an answer to the single operating system to cover phones, tablets and desktops. The main complaints from the Windows world wa