Making Microsoft Dataverse OData queries using Postman
Once you have registered your application and have your ClientId and ClientSecret you can use these to authenticate using oauth2 client credentials workflow.
Create an appropriate Postman environment with the following variables:
url - https://<yourcompanyname>
clientid - <your clientid>
clientsecret - <your clientsecret>
version - 9.1
webapiurl - {{url}}/api/data/v{{version}}
tenantid - <guid>
authurl -{{tenantid}}/oauth2/v2.0/token
Collection Authorization
Setup Authorization for your Postman Collection so all the calls within will inherit it and use the token.
- Set the Type to "OAuth 2.0"
- Add auth data to "Request Headers"
- Configure New Token
- Token Name - "MyToken"
- Grant Type - "Client Credentials"
- Access Token URL - "{{authurl}}"
- Client ID - "{{clientid}}"
- Client Secret - "{{clientsecret}}"
- Scope - "{{url}}/.default"
- Client Authentication - "Send as Basic Auth header"
Here's how to form your OData requests
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